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ID Showcase – Introduction to Public Health

Public Health 50A – Introduction to Public Health

Screenshot of Public Health 50A website

This showcase highlights how a Bruin Learn course site and its integrated tools have been selected and adopted in this newly designed Introduction to Public Health course. By utilizing the Bruin Learn course site, the instructor builds an efficient online learning space that helps students easily navigate course lectures and other materials and resources. Adopting Jones & Bartlett e-Textbook and its interactive lectures and quizzes provides rich opportunities that foster student interaction and collaboration. Zoom has been selected and creatively designed by the instructor and instructional designers as a solution for simultaneous screen-sharing and front-of-classroom camera views

What to Expect in the Showcase

The PH 50A Introduction to Public Health course is a newly designed course by Dr. Kim-Farley in collaboration with UCLA Instructional Designers. It is for the new Undergraduate Public Health Major at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. The following pedagogical strategies and design approaches will be shared during the presentation.

  • Utilization of Bruin Learn course site to showcase highlighting such features as a lecture-by-lecture home page with links to modules;
  • Adoption of LTI Integration with the Jones & Bartlett eTextbook, interactive lectures, and quizzes;
  • Implementation of an upload site for the Opinion Editorial written assignments with “Turnitin” and grading rubric; and
  • Use “dual-feed” Zoom as a solution for simultaneously screen-sharing and “front of classroom” camera views.

Presenter Bio

Dr. Kim-Farley currently serves as a Professor with joint appointments in the Departments of Epidemiology and Community Health Sciences at the Fielding School of Public Health at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). From 2004 to 2018, he served as the Director of the Division of Communicable Disease Control and Prevention at the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. His responsibilities included supervision of the Acute Communicable Disease Control Program, the Vaccine Preventable Disease Control Program (Immunization Program), the Tuberculosis Control Program, the Veterinary Public Health and Rabies Control Program, and the Public Health Laboratory.

Dr. Kim-Farley holds degrees in Electronic Engineering, Public Health, and Medicine from the University of California. He is Board Certified in Preventive Medicine and Public Health. He is the author of numerous articles and publications in the field of public health.

Spring 2024 10+10 Pop-up Series

Spring 2024 10+10 Pop-up Series

In spring quarter 2024, the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) instructional designers are offering a series of seven pop-up sessions – each just 10 minutes in length – on focused, specific topics related to online/hybrid course design.

Each of these 10 + 10 sessions will take place at 10am every Tuesday in spring quarter 2024, from Week 2 thru Week 7.  While the sessions are not recorded, session slides and resources will be made available in this 10+10 Pop-ups Series Bruin Learn site. Individuals can self-enroll in this site using this URL:

Zoom link for all sessions:

Meeting ID: 986 5441 3254         Passcode: 196561

Schedule of Topics

Note: Because of the 10 minute duration, sessions will start promptly at 10:00 am.

Add a Template to Your New Bruin Learn Course Site
04/09 10:00-10:20 am
#coursedesign #savetime
Facilitator: Kate Schaller

Giving Feedback in Bruin Learn Speedgrader
04/16 10:00-10:20 am
#tips #workload #morewithless #saveyourfeedback #justclickit #rubrics
Facilitator: Mark Kayser

Handling Large Classes with Fewer TAs: Some Strategies
04/23 10:00-10:20 am
#workload #student interaction #morewithless
Facilitator: Brittany Goodwell

Inserting Images into Bruin Learn Pages and Assignments
04/30 10:00-10:20
#alttext #designtools #pixels #sizing
Facilitator: Agustin Rios

Sequencing Learning Material in a Module
05/07 10:00- 10:20 am
#learnerpathway #studentperspective #whatsnext
Facilitator: Sirui Wang

Design a Grading Rubric using Generative AI (ChatGPT)
05/14 10:00-10:20 am
#prompt #input #checkit #refineit
Facilitator:  Kim DeBacco

Spring 2024 10+10 Workshop Series Flyer

ID Showcase – English Composition 2

English Composition 2 – Approaches to University Writing | Meta-Narrative and the Narrative Self

In this course showcase session, Shane Crosby will share his experiences, the pros and cons, of using a variety of Bruin Learn tools to actively engage undergraduate students in the content of a first-year composition course.

This showcase demonstrates how the instructor uses Bruin Learn to actively engage undergraduate students in a first-year composition course. Several essential Bruin Learn tools and features, such as homepage, modules, assignments, and gradebook, are discussed. The exploration of different tool settings throughout the course design process with the support of the Bruin Learn Center of Excellence is shared.

The tools reviewed include:

  • Home Page
    • Attendance, ebook integration, syllabi, course notification settings
    • eBook integration: They Say, I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing
  • Modules
    • Organization
    • The “getting started” / Course Resource module
    • Lock Until | prerequisites | requirements
    • New feature: dropdown arrow options
    • Creating all assignments from within the Modules(?)
  • Assignments
    • Creating grading rules
  • Grades / Gradebook Settings
    • When to make it available, pros and cons, likes and dislikes
    • Late submission policy considerations
    • Grade posting considerations
    • Advanced feature settings

Presenter Bio

Shane Crosby is a Continuing Lecturer in Writing Programs at UCLA. He completed his BA at UCLA, MA in Special Education at Clark Atlanta University, PhD in Special Education at Georgia State University, and his MFA degree at UC Irvine.

This ID Showcase is a collaboration between the UCLA Teaching and Learning Center and the Bruin Learn Center of Excellence.

ID Showcase – SCAND 60 – Introduction to Nordic Cinema

Scandinavian Studies 60 – Introduction to Nordic Cinema

SCAND 60 course screenshot

In this course showcase, Prof. Patrick Wen will share his experience designing a fully asynchronous online course on Nordic cinema based on earlier experiences teaching similar courses in person. The aims of the in-person and online courses remain the same: to offer undergraduates a broad introduction to a lesser-known cinematic tradition while also engaging them in critical thinking and writing.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Employing various pedagogical strategies, such as podcasting, peer review, and blogging, to foster student engagement and build a vibrant learning community.
  • Encouraging students to have informal discussions through podcast activities to increase their engagement and interaction.
  • Effectively managing asynchronous student schedules.
  • Utilizing Bruin Learn to facilitate a successful transition from in-person to asynchronous learning in the Introduction to Nordic Cinema course.

Presenter Bio

Prof. Patrick Wen is a continuing lecturer in Scandinavian within the Department of European Languages and Transcultural Studies. He teaches courses on film history, modern literature, and also Norwegian language.

Selected Q&A from the Showcase

Given that the films aren’t screened live, do you find that the students do other things to create community when screening them for themselves (chatting, watching over Zoom, etc.)?Students did organize/gather informally to watch together in person and virtually.
How do you grade the peer reviewed blog postings?Canvas has some quirks to assign points. The instructor created a separate assignment to give points.
How often did you or the TAs respond to the students posts or submissions?For a roughly 60-person class, every week TA or instructor responded to individual responses (not a general post to all). The instructor enjoyed responding to students and got “sucked in.”
Are the responses to the blog posts from peers expected to be done within a certain time frame? Or at any time? If a student did not complete the peer review/response, how was that handled?For asynchronous work, it was important to keep students on the same page re: submissions. (Some wanted to do things early, others wanted to wait right up til the deadline.) This created a peer review issue because if a student posts early, they have to wait for other students to post to complete their peer review.

The instructor set expectations about what students could do in advance, but for back-and-forth type of activities–like blog posts–students need to complete tasks more “at deadline.”

This was a learning curve!

Were rubrics used for podcasts/blog posts?A rubric was used for the blog post/podcast (3 points total), as well as for the peer review portion of the blog post assignment (2 points total). The instructor explained this as a two-part assignment.
Did you use the podcast feature in Bruin Learn discussions for the Week 5 Podcast Postings? (And….how does that work? I’ve never known…)Students either recorded on Zoom or just created an audio file. The instructor provided instructions on how to do this. It was simple because students had already been using the discussion boards in Canvas.
Was there some buildup or scaffolding done for the podcasts? Creating an outline or talking points?The students were given prompts, pretty similar to the ones for the blog postings – but more designed for conversation (between two students).
Can you talk a little bit about students’ choices for the projects – how many of them chose a paper vs. a group video assignment? And what kinds of video assignments did they create?Video assignments took different forms depending on prompts chosen. Often they were borne of blog postings – that got them thinking about something that they wanted to fully develop in a longer project. Often the videos were powerpoint-style presentations that they may have written about. In group video projects, they were interacting, but in a more formal way than in the podcast – a thesis, evidence, etc.
What do you see as next steps or enhancements for the course?Changing up the syllabus, but keeping the podcast/video presentation options open for the students. How can more of this be incorporated, is a question. Also, thinking about adding more informal conversations, like Patrick’s informal conversation with a colleague working on a book about Ingmar Bergman. (Not long – but this would bring in other voices)
What is the demographic of the course – do they already have film studies/Scandinavian studies knowledge going in?For the most part, the students don’t have knowledge of Scandinavian studies going in (readings are in English, films subtitled). Some students do have this knowledge/background, so it’s a nice mix. Tendency towards older students (fourth years) taking and appreciating the course! Maybe this is specifically because it’s an online class and that’s what this group wants.
How do you think the quality of the blog writing compares to the written papers?More polished than expected. Peer reviews in particular felt like a conversation.
Do you know if students ever continue blogging after your class?A few students in particular – avid film buffs! Some continue other forms of film writing, not necessarily blogging.
Is there a difference between blogging on Bruin Learn and blogging on WordPress (for example)?Technical differences yes – WordPress/others are third party sites and students will need to create logons for them. (They are also public, which can be an issue for students.) They may afford more for creativity/incorporating media, but using BL Discussions keeps everything in Bruin Learn (and you can still add images, videos, links).
Do you think the sporadic grading positively contributed to increased instructor/social presence?Aim – students should feel like the TA and the instructor were both engaged. Responding to the posts (not necessarily on time) should impart that he was engaging with the students, reading what they were writing. He does think this was a positive thing!

This Google Doc contains the comments, questions and answers collected during the showcase.

ID Showcase – Hypothesis – A Social Annotation Tool

Hypothesis – A Social Annotation Tool

Hypothesis is one of the social annotation tools that have been integrated into Bruin Learn. This showcase demonstrates the set-up, ideas, and pedagogical strategies for using Hypothesis for different subjects and modalities.

The session explains how to get started with Hypothesis and set up assignments in the tool. We also discuss how Hypothesis supports learning from the perspectives of critical thinking, simplicity, community, and inclusion. In addition, the session explores the ideas and pedagogical strategies for UCLA faculty to use social annotation to engage students in teaching and learning. UCLA faculty join to informally share how they implements Hypothesis for social reading assignments in their course.


Prof. Adam Millard-Ball is Professor of Urban Planning at the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs and Acting Director of the UCLA Institute for Transportation Studies. His research and teaching touches on transportation, the environment, and urban data science.

Ashley Hood, Ed.M, is the Customer Success Manager at Hypothesis.


Selected Q&A from the Showcase

Will .doc or .docx files work with Hypothesis, or do readings need to be in PDF format?Readings need to be in PDF format, but if you load the .doc/docx file into your Canvas files, that will work.
When you check the group assignment, does it give you a chance to select the group members?You would need to set up your groups first in Canvas, then have the option to select your group set as part of the Hypothesis assignment. See: Using Canvas Groups To Create Hypothesis Reading Groups.
Can you only have one group set in your Canvas class to work with Groups in Hypothesis?You can use any group set you have set up in Canvas.
Is there language support for other languages in Hypothesis? Can you use other character sets when annotating in Hypothesis?
You can use whatever language that your keyboard is set up in with Hypothesis, and also use readings in other languages.
Do you work with non-Roman script languages?Yes – these languages will work with Hypothesis.
Can students export the annotations?There isn’t yet a great way to export annotations from the tool itself. This is something on the product roadmap.

A student’s annotations can be saved in the Hypothesis notebook. Students can print their annotations from the notebook, but there is not yet a way to export a document with annotations.

Does Hypothesis track students in any way?Hypothesis does not track student data. We receive their name as a part of them using Single Sign On from Canvas, but we do not message them directly. Their annotations stay with the Canvas course.
Can you get a summary of one student’s Hypothesis posts in a class?You can search for a user and see any of their annotations (as well as anywhere their name was used). You can also do the same in Speedgrader.

The Notebook (accessed using the human icon) will show all annotations across the entirety of a course. You can then filter the annotations by user.

This could be beneficial for a potential culminating assignment, whereby a student could assess their contributions across the course.

It could also be used in office hours when work with a student.

Is Hypothesis compatible with the Canvas Teacher and the Canvas Student apps?While Hypothesis does work within the mobile app, it displays the text quite small.
For Dr. Millard-Ball: Do you use Hypothesis for each reading assignment or just selected assignments?The course used Hypothesis for all readings. Occasionally there was an older reading that was scanned as an image. Optical character recognition (OCR) is not a feature of Hypothesis, so documents used for annotation does need selectable text.
What are some instructional strategies for working with annotations? Any examples and suggestions for how instructors can take annotations to another level or space?

  • Dr. Millard-Ball picked out certain posts/topics to explore further in live class.
  • In a literature class, an instructor copied and organized the students’ annotations thematically into Padlet notes, and then commented on those in class. The instructor asked students to use a prescribed list of hashtags in their annotation posts to identify a theme or topic. In class, the instructor could search for a tag and pull up all the associated posts to discuss.
  • Select particular annotation comments to use to start a discussion forum thread.
  • Students could write a culminating reflection of their annotations.
  • Pick one of their peer’s annotations and explore how it changed their thinking.

How accessible is Hypothesis (for screen readers, for those unable to use a mouse, etc.)?Please see: Hypothesis and Screen Readers
For Hypothesis: What is the process for using Hypothesis as a Canvas Module?
Please see: Using the Hypothesis LMS App With Modules in Canvas

When the assignment is submitted, can the instructor use Canvas’ native annotation tools to annotate the Hypothesis assignment? Unfortunately not. However, Hypothesis grading allows instructors to continue the annotation conversation and provide private feedback to students on their reading progress.
For Dr. Millard-Ball: Do you think Hypothesis makes any difference to your teaching?
It is easier to assume that students have done the reading, so there is a better starting point coming into class because students are more prepared coming into class.
For Dr. Millard-Ball: Have you experienced having to moderate any “inappropriate” annotations by your students?
Not in Hypothesis, but has had it in other discussion forums. In those rare occasions, he talked to student privately.
Can an instructor remove or hide an annotation if it is inappropriate?
That is not a current feature of Hypothesis.
Can a user attach other files, such as an image or a voice recording?
Yes: they add videos, images, and links. They cannot add voice recordings directly in the tool, but can add links to recordings.

This Google Doc contains the comments, questions and answers collected during the showcase.

ID Showcase – Nursing 171 – Public Health Nursing

Nursing 171 – Public Health Nursing

Nursing 171 – Public Health Nursing is designed and taught by Prof. Dorothy Wiley.

This showcase demonstrates how Prof. Wiley uses several features and tools in Bruin Learn and digital portfolios in support of the competency-based curriculum design in this hybrid Nursing course. Prof. Wiley uses Modules in Bruin Learn to support course content organization, which helps students easily recognize their learning path. The emerging technology of Learning Glass adopted by Prof. Wiley produces high-quality instructional videos and lectures to encourage student engagement with learning materials. Prof. Wiley also experiments with the approach of learning pods and the digital portfolio to allow students collaboratively document and contribute to where they can apply what they learned from the class to the local community.

N171 has experimented with several educational technologies and applied different pedagogical strategies to increase student engagement. In this presentation, the instructor will share their experiences with the following aspects:

  • Using Modules in Bruin Learn to organize content for this hybrid course
  • Using Learning Glass to pre-record lectures
  • Creating and redesigning several learning activities to support competency-based learning
  • Using different educational technologies to help students build their learning portfolio and encourage collaboration across projects

Faculty Bio

Dorothy Wiley, a professor with the UCLA School of Nursing, has clinical expertise in community and public health prevention strategies, including the sexually transmitted diseases HIV and HPV. She led UCLA’s randomized clinical trial study site that contributed to the first HPV vaccine approved for use in the U.S. Her areas of scholarly expertise and interest include sexuality, sexually-transmitted diseases, including HIV and HPV infection; cancer screening, cancer prevention, vaccine efficacy, molecular biomarkers for acute and chronic infections and infection clearance.

Presented: Thursday, Nov 16, 2022

Selected Q&A from the Showcase

Can you share more about their Padlet experience? What would be the difference between using Bruin Learn Discussion and Padlet?Dr. Wiley uses both Discussions in BL and Padlet! Uses Discussions in BL for students to post and then comment on short essays, for instance. Big focus on reflection – proven to help nurses learn. Padlet is mainly used for icebreaking. GoReact is another tool being used in different courses.
Does “doodle-y” just draw lecture content you submit?It provides you with the images. You then voice-over them; there is a music feature that you can pay for. You submit the text and the hand draws over them.
Do these additional programs (Doodle-y, Padlet, etc.) incur additional costs?Yes – Prof. Wiley purchased these (at least Doodley) with her own funds. Padlet has a fee too. She also purchased a Wacom tablet to help with tracing, sketching, and drawing.
Did you have to re-record any (or many) of your own videos since 2020?Yes, and used different media/recording methods for videos and lectures. Learning Glass is one tool for re-recording lecture content and key concepts.
What are some differences between the Learning Glass recordings than recording through Zoom and making them available from Kaltura?Learning Glass captures the attention of students, universally. The Learning Glass is a see-through screen that allows you to draw or write on a “board” while directly facing the students. UCLA has a couple on campus and you can go and film with one (a video recording in a studio – free to you), and then it is uploaded to Kaltura.

A tip on using the Learning Glass: Make sure you have fresh pens! It is awful to draw and record with weak pens and realize later they do not display well; you have to re-record the segment.

But yes it is different from recording in Zoom at home. There are many many video options!

OTL can help faculty use Learning Glass and other media. Please see: OTL Media Production.

You mentioned that some students navigated directly to assignments and skipped over other course content. Have you considered hiding the Assignments section and only use Modules? Is this is too limiting, or more streamlined?Yes, Prof. Wiley tried to hide Assignments, but there were some issues of navigation. Work with OTL and the Bruin Learn team to discuss possible options.
What are some considerations with gamification?Prof. Wiley suggests working with OTL instructional designers to understand the ramification of class size, such as what you might do differently with 7 students compared to 40 students.

This Google Doc contains the comments, questions and answers collected during the showcase.

ID Showcase – Mathematics 32A – Calculus of Several Variables

Mathematics 32A – Calculus of Several Variables

Mathematics 32A is designed and taught by Prof. Richard Wong.

This showcase demonstrates how Prof. Wong uses Bruin Learn and other educational technology tools to establish an interactive and collaborative teaching and learning environment for a math course. Prof. Wong organizes the learning objectives of this math course using Modules in Bruin Learn, which allows students easily track their learning progress. Prof. Wong adopted Gradescope and Campuswire to support student collaboration and provide instant and constructive feedback on assessments.

In MATH 32A, the instructor has used Bruin Learn’s native features as well as integrations to encourage students’ participation and collaboration. The presentation will share the experience of:

  • Using Modules to organize course learning objectives
  • Using Gradescope integration to grade and return quizzes and exams
  • Using Campuswire to create an environment where students are encouraged to ask questions and work collaboratively.

Faculty Bio:
Richard Wong is an Assistant Adjunct Professor at UCLA in the department of Mathematics. He has taught both large (210-student) and small (25-student) courses on multivariable calculus. In his courses, he uses inquiry-based and active learning techniques to make his classroom a welcoming environment where students are encouraged to actively engage with the course material.

Presented: Thursday, Nov 3, 2022

Selected Q&A from the Showcase

Do you upload the annotated module slides after the lecture?Yes! Annotated slides and the recording are posted after the lecture, and the non-annotated slides are posted before the recording. Students then get a sense of the flow of the course.
Is Campuswire integrated into Bruin Learn?Not currently, but it is in process.
Do you use CampusWire for grading or just for Q&A?It’s only for students asking questions.
What is the student reaction to Campuswire?Students liked Campuswire. Also used Slack. Engagement was much lower on Slack than on Campuswire – seemingly because you can use Campuswire in browser rather than in an app.
What is the advantage of using Gradescope in your opinion?Gradescope makes it easy to organize assignments; saves administrative work of collecting papers and grading each one; eases collecting and sharing feedback; allows students to easily see where they lost points; easier to give same/similar feedback multiple times.
For the Gradescope template, does it only accept PDFs?Believe so – but when students are uploading their responses, they can upload pictures or PDFs.
Do you have to do the grading one-by-one manually in Gradescope?Can also do a group grading if there are similar responses to an item.
Gradescope is new to me, so I wonder the differences between Canvas Quiz and Gradescope? Is that because some math problems cannot be handled by Quiz?With Gradescope there is no need to put an assignment into the quiz format. With Gradescope I can still use paper quizzes to hand out to students.
When you say “export” grades to Canvas, do you have to do it manually, or will the grades be sent to Grades in Canvas automatically?This is done manually – there is a “Publish Grades” button (which releases grades to students on Gradescope” and then a “Post Grades to UCLA Bruin Learn” button (which releases/pushes grades to Bruin Learn).

This Google Doc contains the comments, questions and answers collected during the showcase.

ID Showcase – Statistics 100A – Introduction to Probability

Statistics 100A – Introduction to Probability

STAT 100A is designed and taught by Prof. Juana Sanchez

Prof. Sanchez implemented various pedagogical strategies to increase communication opportunities and engage students in Statistics 100A. She has used several features of Bruin Learn, such as the Discussion tool so students could reflect on different topics regularly; the Inbox and Announcements tools to inform students of course updates, topic-related events, and follow-up on class learning progress; interactive videos to have students engage with course content; and other techniques to build a learning community for students from the very beginning.

Presented: Thursday, May 5, 2022

ID Showcase – Sociology 1 – Introductory Sociology

Sociology 1 – Introductory Sociology

Screenshot of Sociology 1

Sociology 1 is designed and taught by Prof. Jessica Collett

Prof. Collet integrated various course design solutions in Sociology 1 to provide students with different types of interactions with course materials, lectures, and chances to communicate with peers. She prepared formative and summative assessment activities using tools and features such as Kaltura, and Bruin Learn’s Rubrics and Group set features to manage students’ engagement in a very large enrollment course.

Presented: Thursday, May 19, 2022

ID Showcase – Liberating Structure: Scaffolding Digital Project Integration with Bruin Learn

Liberating Structure: Scaffolding Digital Project Integration with Bruin Learn

The presenters shared the experience of course development and re-design that includes curated content collections, methods of inquiry, and digital project work, using an innovative curriculum template in Bruin Learn.

This Liberating Structure showcase session is presented by Prof. Chien-Ling Liu Zeleny, and Instructional Designers, Christopher Gilman from UCLA Library and Greg Steinke from Center of Excellence.

Presented: Thursday, June 2, 2022